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Corneliu Bichinet, ambasadorul tinerilor români la Bruxelles

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ASCHIA Dacã vi se pare cunoscut numele de Corneliu Bichinet sã stiti cã nu este o coincidentã. Doar cã nu este vorba de Corneliu Bichinet, vicepresedintele CJ Vaslui, ci de fiul sãu! La doar 17 ani, juniorul Bichinet are deja o adevãratã carierã în domeniul filantropiei comunitare. A fost singurul român care a prezentat în fata Comisiei Europene un speech referitor la problemele tinerilor. Nu a fost o chestiune de noroc sau de „pile”, pentru cã Bichinet junior activeazã de mai bine de doi ani în cadrul Organizatiei World Vision, organizatie care ajutã copiii din lumea întreagã!

Spre deosebire de multe odrasle de politicieni români, Bichinet junior si-a construit singur prima mare performantã în viatã. Nici nu avea cum sã-l ajute „tãticul” pentru cã mediile în care a ajuns depãsesc cu mult cercul mic de interese de la CJ Vaslui. Acum doi ani, tânãrul Bichinet a decis sã se ofere voluntar în cadrul Asociatiei umanitare „World Vision”. Pe 19 iunie a fost invitat în cadrul unei sedinte a Comisiei Europene pentru a expune problemele cu care se confruntã tinerii din România. La aceastã conferintã au mai fost invitati, alãturi de vasluian, doar doi tineri din Europa. Nu vom face prea multe comentarii sau observatii si vã lãsãm pe dumneavoastrã sã apreciati calitatea discursului rostit de Corneliu Bichinet în fata comisiei Europene:

„Numele meu este Bichinet Corneliu. Am 17 ani si sunt voluntar în fundatia World Vision Romania. Experienta mea personalã ca tânãr ambasador al acestei fundatii constã, în principal, în participarea la douã evenimente internationale. Primul ar fi în <<Regional Youth Conference>>, conferinta tinutã în Armenia, cu tineri din tãrile est-europene. Ca pregãtire, am realizat o cercetare care constã în interviuri aplicate copiilor vulnerabili, iar apoi am fãcut o lista cu problemele importante pe care tinerii din comunitatea noastra si, mai departe, din tara noastrã, le întâmpinã în vietile lor. În timpul conferintei, ambasadorii fiecãrei tãri au prezentat problemele descoperite în tãrile lor si, împreunã, am reusit sã evidentiem cele mai importante probleme pe care tinerii din regiunea est-europeanã le întâmpinã si, de asemenea, ne-am strãduit sã gãsim solutii practice pentru aceste probleme. Dupã aceastã conferintã, am participat la Euroforumul din Cipru, întâlnire a tinerilor din Romania si Palestina cu membrii board-ului international al fundatiei World Vision. A fost prima întalnire de genul acesta si a avut o importantã deosebitã, deoarece liderii fundatiei erau acolo sã ne asculte opiniile si ideile. În Cipru, mi-am prezentat activitatea din Armenia, si, împreunã cu tinerii participanti si delegatii fundatiei am lucrat la gãsirea de solutii pentru problemele comune ale României si Palestinei.

Implicarea în acest fel de munca este foarte importanta si motivul este simplu. Tinerii reprezinta un segment semnificativ al populatiei si acest segment intampina probleme, la fel ca toate celelalte. Tinerii sunt usor de influentat si usor de redus la tacere. De aceea, ei au nevoie de o voce puternica sa le reprezinte interesele la nivel inalt. Totusi, nimeni nu poate explica mai bine probleme tinerilor decat un tanar. Daca nimeni nu ocupa aceste pozitii de voci ale tinerilor, problemele lor vor ramane neglijate.

In cei doi ani ai mei de voluntariat, am participat la training-uri diferite pe subiectele public speakingului, voluntariatului, advocacy-ului si ale drepturilor copilului. Acestea m-au ajutat sa ma dezvolt atat personal cat si profesional si m-au ajutat in misiunea de a reprezenta vocea celor ca mine. Pe langa evenimentele internationale, am luat parte si la organizarea de sesiuni de informare pe tema traficului de persoane si a violentei. Am fost activ si in activitati umanitare, ce au constat in sustinerea materiala si morala a copiilor din familii defavorizate, a celor fara parinti si a celor care intampina dificultati in a se adapta in conditiile din tara noastra. De asemenea, am participat la o emisiune difuzata pe un canal national, in cadrul careia am prezentat activitatea grupului de voluntariat din care fac parte.

Acum, ajungand la subiectul conferintei, cred ca cele mai bune metode de a transmite un mesaj tinerilor din tara mea sunt acelea la care este usor de ajuns de catre toata lumea, care nu solicita efort sau vreun interes special de la cei pe care incercam sa-i gasim, deoarece cel mai mare dusman al nostru in acest demers este cu siguranta ignoranta.Tinerii isi pierd foarte usor valori morale importante si sunt atrasi usor catre aspectele mai materialiste ale vietii, fiind departati de la problemele reale cu care se confrunta lumea noastra. Prin urmare, cred ca una dintre cele mai bune moduri de a ajunge la tineri este prin intermediul retelelor de socializare.Numarul utilizatorilor creste rapid in toata lumea si raspandirea informatiilor devine mai accesibila prin acest mijloc. Retelele de socializare precum Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google si multe altele au devenit un aspect puternic al vietii adolescentilor si este mai probabil sa poti atrage foarte usor atentia unui tanar prin intermediul acestor retele. Sa nu uitam de faptul ca tinerii, efectiv, domina aceste retele de socializare, atat cantitativ cat si prin activitate. Crearea de evenimente, transmiterea de idei si informarea despre mesajul pe care vrem sa il trimitem poate usor deveni un mod de mobilizare in masa a tinerilor de pe glob.

De asemenea, un mod bun de a transmite un mesaj tinerilor este prin proiectele scolare. Chiar daca nu toti tinerii folosesc retele de socializare, o mare parte din ei merg la scoala. Desigur, vor fi persoane care vor spune ca prezenta in scoli este de asemenea o problema, dar, cel putin, sunt mai multi care sunt elevi decat cei care folosesc retelele de socializare. Adresarea tinerilor in scoli ar reprezenta o solutie foarte practica de a atrage atentia acestora in numar mare. De asemenea, nu numai ca vom atinge un numar mare de tineri, dar vom si trimite un mesaj mai de incredere. Este normal ca un tanar sa aiba mai multa incredere intr-un delegat sau intr-o oficialitate a scolii, decat intr-un strain de pe Facebook, sau un afis lipit de un copac. Organizarea de sesiuni de informare in scoli, colaborarea cu profesorii in raspandirea mesajului nostru ar fi un ajutor grozav in misiunea noastra.

Anul european 2015 va fi, in mod sigur, un an care va ramane in istorie. Una dintre cele mai importante oportunitati pe care anul acesta ne ofera este cea de a ne face vocea auzita si de a ne exprima opinia de tineri, in legatura cu agenda de dezvoltare de dupa 2015, care reprezinta unul dintre cele mai importante planuri de dezvoltare ale acestei lumi. Este timpul sa atacam, e vremea sa ne exprimam liber opiniile si sa spunem ce avem de spus. Trebuie sa vorbim acum, deoarece s-ar putea sa nu mai avem o astfel de oportunitate prea curand. Este de o importanta extraordinara ca tinerii sa se implice. Daca sunt nepasatori in legatura cu viitorul lumii acum, probabil vor ramane nepasatori si peste ani. Trebuie sa nu uitam un lucru: copiii zilei de azi sunt adultii zilei de maine. Va multumesc!” Corneliu Bichinet.

Speech-ul tinut de Corneliu Bichinet in fata Comisiei Europene

What has their work as youth ambassador involved? Why do they find it important to engage in this work?

Hello! My name is Bichinet Corneliu. I am 17 years old and I am a volunteer in the World Vision Foundation. My personal experience as a youth ambassador consists in two international events. Firstly, I have participated in the Regional Youth Conference, conference held in Armenia, with youth from eastern European countries. As a preparation we have performed a circumstantial research consisting of interviews of vulnerable children, we narrowed a list of important problems which youth from our community and, implicitly, from our country, encounter in their daily lives. During the conference, each country’s ambassadors presented the problems discovered in their countries, and, altogether we have managed to create a list containing the most important problems youth in our region encounter and also, we struggled to find suitable solutions to these problems. After the Regional Youth Conference, I have participated in the Euroforum in Cyprus, which was a meeting of youth from Romania and Palestine with the members of the International board of the World Vision foundation. It was the first meeting of its kind and it carried a great importance, as leaders of this foundation were there to listen to our opinions and ideas. There, I have presented my activity in the Armenia conference and, along with the youth participants and other delegates of the foundation we have worked on finding solutions to the common problems encountered in both Romania and Palestine.

Engaging in such work is of a great importance and the reason is simple. Youth represents a great segment of the world’s population and this segment encounters just as many problems as the other ones, problems that need solutions. Youngsters are easy to influence and easy to silence. That is why they need a strong voice to represent their interests on a larger level. However, no one else can explain the struggles of youths better than the youths themselves. If no young person takes charge of this position, their problems will remain unsolved.

What personal experience have they had in communications around campaign, taking part in events, speaking in panels, spreading the word about their work to their peers?

In my two years of volunteering I have participated in different trainings on the subjects of public speaking, volunteering, advocacy and children’s rights. These trainings helped develop myself both professionally and personally and provided an aid for my tasks of representing the voice of my peers. Apart from the international events, I have taken part in organising informing sessions for hundreds of students concerning problems like human trafficking and violence. I have also taken part in numerous humanitarian activities.

Also, I have been part of a national TV-broadcasted show, where I presented the activity of the volunteering group I am part of.

What in their view (and considering their national context!) are the best ways to reach young people in the country where they live through communications, e.g. social media (if so, which platforms?), traditional media, cultural, musical or sports events, websites, campaigns, school projects, etc.?

Now, going to the subject of this conference, I think that the best ways of reaching young people in my country are those that are easy to access by everyone, that do not require effort or any special interest from the ones we are trying to reach, because our biggest enemy in doing this is definitely ignorance. Young people easily lose important moral values and they are easily drawn towards more materialistic aspects of life, drawn from the real problems our world faces. Therefore, I think one of the best ways of reaching young people is by using the social networks. The number of users is rapidly growing all around the world and raising awareness is becoming more accessible through this means. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Google and many others have become a strong aspect of the daily life of a teenager and we are most likely to draw that teenager’s attention very easily through these ways. Not to mention that people aged under 25 basically dominate these social networks, through both quantity and activity. Creating events, sharing our visions and trying to inform our friends about the message we are trying to send can easily turn into a mass mobilisation of youth all around the globe, due to these social networks.

Also, another good way of reaching youth is through school projects. While not everyone uses one of these social networks, most of our youngsters are in schools. Of course, some may argue that there are plenty of problems concerning school attendance but, at least, there are more who are students than those who use a social network. Addressing students in schools would represent a very practical way of drawing the attention of a large number of young people. Besides this, not only will we address a large number of youngsters, but also we will convey a more trustworthy message. It is normal for a person to trust a school official or a delegate delivering a speech at his school, more than a stranger on Facebook, or a simple poster placed on a tree.

Organising informing sessions in schools, collaborating with teachers to spread our message would be a great help in our mission.

What do they see as key opportunities to be taken advantage of during the European Year 2015? What recommendations would they wish to share on how to reach young people with our messages?

European year 2015 will definitely be a historical one. One of the greatest opportunities I see in this year is of raising our voice and expressing our opinion as youth concerning the post 2015 development agenda, which represent one of the most important issues in the development of this world. Youth need to take an active role in taking decisions and finding solutions of the problems they encounter. It is our time to strike, our time to freely express ourselves and say what we have on our minds. We need to talk now, as we may not get such a great opportunity soon enough. My recommendations on how to reach young people are that there should be sent delegates in schools and communities to personally send the message that needs sending. Also, there should be recruited an “Army of youth” that should spread awareness among their peers on everything from schools to social networks and families.

It is of the utmost importance to get young people involved. If they are careless of this world’s future now, they are most likely to stay that way. We need to remember that today’s young people are tomorrow’s adults. Thank you!

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